Paris, 18 October 2017
LTIIA 4th Annual Meeting (PDF)
Hosted in partnership with the OECD at their Parisian headquarters:
2, rue André Pascal | 75775 Paris Cedex 16 | France
RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

London, 8 September 2016
Joint full-day seminar by UK regulators’ Network and Long-Term Infrastructure Investors Association
UK Infrastructure Regulation: opportunities to align the interests of investors and consumers
Save-the-date (PDF)

Paris, 17 October 2014
LTIIA First Annual Meeting
Following its launch by Meridiam, Allianz Global Investors, Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the Development Bank of Japan this summer, the Long-term Infrastructure Investors Association will hold its First Annual Meeting in Paris on Friday 17 October, at the French Ministry for the Economy and Finance in the presence of Michel Sapin, French Minister of Finance and Public Accounts, and Emmanuel Macron, French Minister of Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector.
The LTIIA is a response to the need for the creation of an industry body that focuses on the fundamental key priorities of promoting private long-term investment in infrastructure, building a risk-adjusted benchmark to foster financial stability, and promoting responsible investment with a focus on Environmental, Social and Governance considerations.
Over 40 institutions will convene at the association’s First Annual Meeting.
Session I on ESG criteria, all docs:
ESG as a Risk Management Policy by Daniel Wiener, Chairman, Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation
UN Habitat -for a better urban future. Possible Linkages to Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance by Robert Kehew
Current ESG integration trends in Infrastructure Investment by Fiona Reynolds, Managing Director, Principles for Responsible Investment
PRI Annual Report for 2014 by Principles for Responsible Investment
CalSTRS Green Initiative Task Force 2013 Annual Report period ending June 30, 2013
Session II on Infrastructure:
Session II -Infrastructure Benchmark by Gordon Bajnai of Meridiam
Building benchmarks of unlisted infrastructure -equity investment. The four main issues with building a suitable index, Asia Asset management, February 2013
Towards Efficient Benchmarks for Infrastructure Equity Investments by EDHEC Risk Institute, January 2013
Defining Infrastructure Investment under Solvency II by Frederic Blanc-Brude and Omneia R H Ismail of EDHEC Risk Institute published in Investment & Pensions Europe summer of 2013
World Economic Outlook: Legacies, Clouds, Uncertainties -chapter 3 'Is it time for an infrastructure push? The macroeconomic effects of public investment (PDF) by the IMF, October 2014
Infrastructure investment is a no-brainer- for countries with infrastructure needs, the combination of low interest rates and mediocre growth mean that it’s time for an investment push by Jérémie Cohen-Settonon, 13 October 2014