IMG 6924

The European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI)

10 years after the European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI) was launched in Paris by 15 NPBIs and the EIB in July 2013, today ELTI is made up of 33 European long-term financial institutions. With a strong role in financing the European economy, citizens and public projects ELTI members have a combined balance sheet total of EUR 2.8 trillion. ELTI’s goal is to promote long-term investment in close alignment with the objectives and initiatives developed by the European Union to foster sustainable, smart and inclusive growth and job creation.

A Visible Stakeholder 

ELTI has concretised its role as a visible stakeholder which represents, at both European and National levels, the position of its current 33 members, which are notably made up of National Promotional Banks and Institutions (NPBIs).

Major strengths of the association include its ability to prepare common positions sharing a single voice when communicating with the institutions of the European Union and the possibility of exchanging with other members and International Financial Institutions including European Investment Bank, Council of Europe Development Bank, and the Nordic Investment Bank.

ELTI Members

ELTI members represent a European-wide network of National Promotional Banks and Institutions who offer financial solutions tailored to the specific needs of their respective country and economy. Multilateral financial institutions complement the activities at national level with specific cross-border solutions or investments with a European impact.

Following the specific public mission of each member, the business model of each institution differs from country to country including different products and approaches. This is the same for multilateral ELTI members. Most of the members offer various debt-products but not all members have a mandate for investment in equity. This ensures that specific needs are addressed by a specific solution notably for investments where a “one-size-fits-all” approach does not lead to optimal solutions.

The Association promotes and attracts quality long- term investment in the real economy, including:

  • strengthening cooperation, including at an operational level, between European financial institutions as well as with other Institutions of the European Union (EU) acting as long-term financiers;
  • informing the EU and its Institutions on the role and potential of the Members as institutions and agencies for long-term financing;
  • strengthening the access of the Members to information on matters related to the EU;
  • exchanging information and experiences among Members and with national and international organisations sharing the Association’s interest in the promotion of long-term investment;
  • developing the concept of long-term investment within the economic and financial sector and promoting academic research on long-term investments;
  • representing, promoting and defending the shared interests of its Members in the field of Long-Term Investment in full transparency.

The Full Members of ELTI are generally national official financial institutions dedicated to the promotion of public policies at national and EU level. The European Investment Bank (EIB) has the status of a permanent observer. ELTI also includes Associate Members notably multilateral financial institutions, regional financial institutions and non-banking institutions.




European Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
Rue Montoyer 51
B - 1000 Brussels
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