(Updated 8 November 2018)
The 6th annual ELTI General Assembly will take place in Vilnius between 8-9 November 2018, courtesy of our Lithuanian members INVEGA and VIPA
European Association of Long-Term Investors a.i.s.b.l.
General Assembly 2018
Thursday 8. November 2018
18:00 - Meeting of the ELTI Management Board
Hotel Radisson Blu Royal Astorija
Didziojistr. 35/2,1128 Vilnius, Lithuania
18:30 - Excursion to the Palace of the Grand Dukes in Lithuania (parallel session)
Katedros a.4, Vilnius, Lithuania
20:00 - Welcome Dinner
Restaurant Grey
Friday 9. November 2018
Hotel Radisson Blu Royal Astorija
Didziojistr. 35/2,1128 Vilnius, Lithuania
09:00 - Welcome by INVEGA and VIPA
Introduction by the ELTI President and approval of the agenda
President, European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI)
09:10 - Report of the President and the Secretary General
Overall situation, activities and decisions of the Management Board
09.30 - 2019 and ahead : ELTI Strategy and activities
Presentation of the ELTI Strategy and the Draft Action Plan
Panel discussion about the future activities of ELTI
Jekabs Krievins
Member of the Board, Altum
Goran Katusin
Member of the Board, SID Banka
Lola Merveille
bpifrance, Head of Brussels office
Helmut von Glasenapp
Secretary-General, European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI)
10:15 - Votes: Budget, ELTI strategy and next General Assembly
For decision: Membership fees 2018
For decision: ELTI Strategy
For decision: Next General Assembly
MFB invited us to come to Budapest in 2019
10:30 - Coffee break
11:00 Key-note speech
EBRD, pioneer and partner for investment in Europe
Pierre Heilbronn
Vice-President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
11:15 - Message from EU Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen
11:20 - InvestEU – Panel Discussion: The role of NPBIs in the future of European Investments
Raimonda Eidziune
Deputy Director of the EU Investment Department, Lithuanian Ministry of Finance
Csaba Harsanyi
Director, Brussels Representative Office, Hungarian Development Bank (MFB)
Antonio Bandres Cajal
Head of Corporate Loans, Sindication and International Business, Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO)
Nick Ashmore
Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI)
Antonella Baldino
Chief Business Officer, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
Giorgio Chiarion-Casoni
Head of Unit, Financing of Climate change, Infrastructure policies and Euratom, DG ECFIN, European Commission
Loreta Maskalioviene
Vice-Minister, Lithuanian Ministry of Finance
Luca Lazzaroli
Director General, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Laurent Zylberberg
President, European Long-Term Investors Association (ELTI)
12:40 - Lunch break & Key Note speech
European plan for Ukraine initiative - Reform Contract for Investment in Ukraine
Andrius Kubilius
Member of Lithuanian Parliament (Prime Minister of Lithuania 1999-2000 and 2008-2012)
14:20 - Panel Discussion: Implementation of the Energy Efficiency Regulation – Experiences and
Boosting Energy Efficiency in Lithuania
Energy Efficiency - the contribution of a National Promotional Bank
Rytis Kevelaitis
Advisor to the Minister, Lithuanian Ministry of Energy

Justinas Bucys
Head of Investment and development division, VIPA

Kristina Vaskeliene
Deputy Director, VIPA